Saturday, July 4, 2009

What is a PIP and How is it Calculated?

Before trading, it is essential for traders to clearly understand the concept of Point in Percentage (or pip), so that they can easily calculate their profits and losses.
PIP - Pip means percentage in points. This is the smallest price increment a currency can make. In Forex, prices are quoted up to the 4th decimal point, which is 1/100th of a cent. Most of the pairs in Forex market are quoted to 4 decimal points (.0001); however there is an exception with the Japanese Yen for which prices are quoted only to two decimal points. For instance:-
1. EUR/USD- The pair is traded at 1.3568 and if the pair moves from 1.3568 to 1.3569, then the movement in the pair is 1 pip. In the same way, if the pair moves further up to 1.3588, then the movements in the pair is equivalent to 20 pips.
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2. USD/JPY- In the USD/JPY, prices are quoted up to 2 decimal points like 95.65, 98.89. If the pair is traded at 95.65 and rises up to 95.66; it shows an increase in the pair movement of 1 pip.
Lot Size- Spot Forex markets are traded in lots. The standard size of a lot is 100,000 units. A 'mini' lots are also available with some brokers, which is equal to 10,000 units each. A 'micro' lots consists of 1,000 units, but this lot size is not always available.
Calculation of pip value:
Formula Pip Value = (One pip/exchange rate) * lot size

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